Australia’s First Done-For-You, Everything Included, 12-Month Lunch & Learn Training Program

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Success[bytes]?

Success[bytes] is series of 46 different Lunch & Learn soft skills training sessions, with a new training course delivered live, every Friday lunchtime for an entire year (with the exception of the Christmas/New Year period).

Who is Behind Success[bytes]?

Success[bytes] is a project from one of Australia's leading soft skills training companies -The Success Institute. We've been around since 1997 and provide learning and development to hundreds of Australia's best-known organisations.

Tell me about the Success[bytes] concept.

If you're a business owner, senior leader or HR manager from a small to medium-sized organisation, you already know how difficult soft-skills training can be to arrange for all of your staff, not to mention that it can be a nightmare to find the right courses for every person to attend - especially on a limited training budget.

With COVID-19 reshaping the Australian workplace, now is the perfect time to introduce a done for you, 12-month learning and development program to help your people improve their current skills and learn new ones.

Who is Success[bytes] for?

Success[bytes] is training that's quick, engaging, job-relevant, and perfect for busy managers and employees in small-to-medium sized organisations.

Success[bytes] democratises training by putting learning and development back into the hands of your people.

With the concept of giving everyone a 'Golden Ticket' (with your company's personalised yearly training calendar), every person across your organisation gets to choose what training they attend. They can register for a few courses, or every single session. Their ‘Golden Ticket’ gives them unlimited learning - for a year!

Will recordings be available if a session is missed?

Yes. If an employee registers to attend an event and can't make it, they'll receive an email link with a password to watch the recorded session. They'll have 24/7 access for seven days to watch the training.

What about training for our managers?

Like you, we realise that training your managers and emerging talent is critical for their growth and your business. As you'll see from the list of training sessions we’re running, roughly every alternate week we deliver a training program for all employees and then for managers. Look for (E) employees, or (M) managers next to each weekly training session.

How are the weekly sessions delivered?

Yes. Every Friday afternoon we release a new lunch and learn program that can be viewed for the following seven days.

As a bonus, we also reserve 1000 seats each week should your managers and employees want to attend a live lunch and learn session.During these live sessions participants can ask questions and interact with the trainer.

How do our people attend the weekly training sessions?

Success[bytes] training sessions are 60-minute training events that are recorded and and released for seven days.

Your people can watch a training session from your office, their homes, or anywhere with internet access.

We also provide 1000 seats to the live recording of the weekly lunch and learn session, giving your managers and employees opportunity to learn live, as well as ask questions and interact with the trainer.

Is it really one price - with everyone included? Yes! We want to make Success[bytes] totally affordable.

If you've already seen the pricing table, the one low annual investment is based upon your full-time, part-time and casual employees numbers. After all, you'll want to give everyone the same opportunity to learn and develop their skills, right? Honestly, our goal is to have you love the simplicity of this concept and to make it a no brainer-decision for your business.

Is Success[bytes] trying to replace other training formats?

No. At some point in the future when life and work finally gets back to normal, there will be face-to-face training again. Until then you're going to need to find a way to quickly and easily upskill your people, so they stay motivated and fully engaged - especially if some of them are working remotely.

How do our people attend the weekly training sessions?

Success[bytes] training sessions are online, live, 60-minute virtual training events. Your people can attend from your office, their homes, or anywhere with internet access. Each training session will be available for a full 7 days after the live event, so there’s no need to worry about missing out if anyone can’t attend live.

Can I see a sample session?

Yes. There are several places on this website where you can provide your business email address and receive a sample session.

I've got more questions

Then let's make a time to talk. Send a message to: mail@success.net.au with your questions. Or, if you have a few things to ask, let's have a short conversation. Once your message is received, we will reply with an invitation to our online calendar. Just choose a date and a 10-minute block of time, and we will call you then for a chat.